Welcome, New York Educators

We can't wait for you to dive right into these sample lessons!

STEMscopes New York 3D lessons provide educators with everything they need to teach to the rigor and depth demanded by the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards. Rooted in research and real-world application, STEMscopes New York employs 3D learning to comprehensively address the Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, and Science and Engineering Practices through the student-driven inquiry of phenomena across flexible storylines.

3rd Grade NY Science Lesson Sample


Grade 7 NY Science Lesson Sample

STEMscopes Science NY 3D Platform


Get ready for hands-on exploration, fascinating phenomena, and everything in between. With interactive activities, games, videos, differentiation tools, and meaningful assessment opportunities, STEMscopes New York 3D creates a student-centric learning environment where students get to do science. Take the next step in the STEMscopes journey by requesting a free 30-day preview to see our digital platform and curriculum in action.

Request a 30-Day Preview